The vaccine programme has been welcomed by Putney residents and will be increasing over the weeks ahead. According to the latest NHS data, 74% of over 80 year olds in South West London have had their first vaccine and 40% of health and care workers.

There is a centre in Southfields, and one in Putney which also serves Roehampton and a roving team of vaccinators visiting care homes and people who are housebound. The vaccine programme is on track for everyone in care homes and care home staff to receive their vaccine by 24th January and everyone in the top 4 priorities to receive their first vaccine by 14th February. This is everyone over 70, frontline health and care workers and clinically vulnerable adults.

Fleur Anderson MP visited a vaccine centre this week and said ‘A big thank you to all of the NHS staff and volunteers who have set up the local vaccine centres so quickly. It is exciting and gives such hope to see everyone leaving the vaccine centre this morning and being so impressed with the smooth operation. These aren’t open every day yet, and so I have been asking Ministers about the supply of the vaccine and have been assured that this will be increasing.

‘I have been calling for a centre in Roehampton and I am pleased that one of the large vaccination centres will be opening in Roehampton on February 14th. This will be ready for the vaccine roll out to the next priority groups and eventually to everyone. I am glad that my call for homeless frontline workers to have the vaccine is agreed, and have also been calling for carers for the extremely vulnerable and for teachers and early years staff to receive a higher priority.


‘The vaccines are safe, high regulated as with any medicine and working to save lives. There are checks at every stage in the development and manufacturing process, and continued monitoring once it has been authorised and is being used in the wider population.  If you are offered a vaccine, don’t hesitate to book your appointment.’


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